Continuing Education Programs - Let's gain some new skills!


Here are some courses you can take to learn more about blockchain, including some development classes. 

  1. UCI Division of Continuing Education - Intro Bootcamp in July
    Live stream 7/21/18
    Cost: FREE
  2. UCI monthly Development Bootcamps beginning in August
  3. Oxford program 
    Great for business
    Cost: ~$3k
  4. Draper University 
    Great for entrepreneurship (next class opening January 2019) 
    Cost: ~$10k
  5. List of crypto/blockchain conferences 
    Attend to meet more people in the community and attend panels
    Cost: varying depending on conference and travel needs
  6. Coursera Blockchain Basics
    Cost: Courses are available for a $39 monthly fee.  Financial aid option available