After positive reviews from the November 2018 event “#MeToo, how do we heal?”, we partnered with The Riveter Marina Del Rey to create a 3 part series presenting solutions to those in need.
In the 1st of 3 events, we’ll explore healing solutions and ways to powerfully move beyond trauma.
Monday February 18, 2019
6-8pm PT
The Riveter Marina Del Rey
Stacie Aamon Yeldell, MA, MT-BC, AVPT, Board Certified Music Therapist, will lead us through an experiential workshop/salon that enacts powerful, sustainable change in both the personal and career space, by radically empowering female leaders, healers and luminaries in a fun and practical way. We utilize evidence-based music psychotherapy, sound healing and mindfulness practices to access and activate our innate creativity, so that joy, confidence, luminosity and vitality becomes our new normal.
Following Stacie’s session, we’ll have time to mingle in the Riveter space, nosh and gather around two refreshing activities.
Self Love Club
Create a "Self Love" Bracelet by picking a positive word to remind you to celebrate about yourself and your healing. Sand Sister's Self-Love Club is a monthly workshop offered to women to connect with themselves and other people in our community. Workshops directly benefit Sand Sisters LA 501(c)3 who's mission is for ALL girls to feel seen, valued and heard.™ To join our next event email us to be added to the list!
Instagram: @SandSistersLA @selflovesocialclub is an engaging 30 day program that delivers daily challenges to your inbox. In just 5-10 minutes, your daily challenges will:
build your confidence
equip you with tools to tackle tough situations
help you address difficult people in your work or personal life
inspire you to have more productive conversations